Before // After
I’m lucky enough to have worked with countless performers of all kinds in all sorts of venues over the years. In every performance I have witnessed something powerful and immutable. If you are a performer yourself, you will probably recognise this.
Human connection sits at the heart of all performance and, perhaps because of this, it has an incredible power of transformation. I believe it goes right back to something primitive within our DNA: In principle, a modern performance has more than a little in common with our primitive selves banging rocks together and shouting at the moon (or whatever they did) because it made us feel together. Whatever the show, whether performer or audience, the two “yous” before and after a show are undeniably physiologically and psychologically distinct - the experience changes us every time.
It’s those two Before and After images that this project seeks to capture and document.


So far this has been a passion project, but I am now looking to push it further. Having delved deeper into the psychology of human connection and how it relates to our collective and individual mental health - particularly in the aftermath of a global pandemic - I feel there is real value in exploring this a little more.
I am seeking funders, collaborators, volunteers, creative producers, sponsors, or any knowledge, advice or insight anyone can offer to help make this happen. If you feel able to contribute, or are just a bit curious and want to know more, please get in touch.